Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Pets & The Mortgage Crisis - Connected or Disconnected?

Bentley, a 3-year-old Lhasa apso, was given up by his owners because they just couldn't afford to keep him any more.

Tinkerbell, a sweet, docile house cat, was surrendered by her owners after they found out that they had lost their home.

With foreclosures disrupting life, from the family house down to the dog house, and as Americans toil through a tough economic landscape, some of their pets face an even bleaker future in the pound.

"People lose their homes and have to move to apartments that don't accept pets, so they give them up," says Cheryl McAuliffe, a spokeswoman for the Georgia State Humane Society.

via CNN News

The mortgage meltdown also affects those with pets, in an economy in a downward spiral many are having to give up their pets because they cannot afford them or they are not allowed in the place they have to move too after a house is foreclosed on. It makes you wonder, how many more of these pets will be affected before this foul storm passes? How many more pets will be lost, because of foreclosures and house losses?

How will these, shelter take care of so many animals, unless something is done sooner rather then later, I really wonder if this downward spiral continues how many of these same pets will be humanely euphanized because there is no more space for them. As the numbers keep going up, not to mention that with the fires in California how many of these pets are also being displaced?

The future may not be definite, though the big question is what can be done to make some positive changes for the future of this economy and for the many displaced pets? Your views share them in the comments.

Pets Album 2008